
We are the SaLADS - the Saturday Ladies Architecture and Design Society.
We visit buildings on a Saturday, for continued architectural inspiration.

Two years ago, a small group of female architects decided we would visit one building per month together as a group for continued learning. Since our first visit to the Red House in October 2013 our group has grown vastly, and we have a mailing list of over 80 people who attend our tours. Some people who attend are female Architects but LADS are always welcome - not every member is an Architect, our group comes from a variety of backgrounds. Tours are normally given by an architectural expert - sometimes they are free and if not we usually receive a decent group discount.

We absolutely love our monthly Salads visits and meeting new people. We hope you enjoy our blog and might join us on a visit. To join our mailing list please email: salads.architects@gmail.com

The Salads touring Kennington/Oval with Ellis Woodman.